Ph.D. in Water Resources, University of Idaho, ID, GPA: 4.00
Dissertation: “Climate-smart agriculture impacts on agro-hydrological variables”
Advisor: Dr. Meetpal S. Kukal
Aug 2023 - Present
Master of Technology in Soil and Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, India, GPA: 3.32
Thesis: “Simulation of groundwater recharge from transplanted and direct seeded rice fields”
Advisor: Dr. Sanjay Satpute
Apr 2021
Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, India, GPA: 3.22
Project: “Comparative field evaluation of different straw management technologies in combine harvested paddy fields under different straw conditions”
Advisor: Dr. M.K. Narang
Jun 2018
Research Experience
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Idaho, ID | Aug 2023 - Present
Working on adding more functionalities to the pyfao56 package, including basal crop coefficient (Kcb) adjustments for the upcoming version.
Developed Python-based functions to separate crop uptake sources into blue and green water sources.
Evaluating the impact of SOC enhancement on agro-hydrological variables under multiple soil types, climates, and irrigation management.
Created GEE code to gather gridMET and OpenET data for cropland analysis.
Graduate Research Assistant
The Pennsylvania State University, PA | Aug 2023 - Aug 2024
Developed custom functionality for pyfao56 package to add Kcb climatic adjustments and crop maturity simulations.
Built machine learning models to estimate conversion factors between ETr and ETo using weather data.
Simulated SOC impacts across multiple soils, climates, and effective depths.
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Soil Sciences, PAU | May 2021 - May 2022
Planned and managed field experiments under micro-irrigation systems.
Developed low-cost microcontroller-based sensors for agricultural use.
Conducted practical classes for bachelor’s students.
Master’s Research
Department of Soil and Water Engineering, PAU | Aug 2018 - Apr 2021
Conducted field experiments for direct-seeded and transplanted rice.
Analyzed soil moisture data using Delta PR2 probes.
Simulated groundwater recharge using HYDRUS-1D.
Thorp, K. R., DeJonge, K. C., Pokoski, T., Gulati, D., et al. (2024). “Version 1.3.0 pyfao56: FAO-56 evapotranspiration in Python.” SoftwareX. [DOI]
Singla, P., Gulati, D., et al. (2023). “Variation in physio-chemical attributes and WUE during growth and development of Pak choi...” Acta Alimentaria. [DOI]
Gulati, D., Satpute, S., et al. (2022). “Estimation of potential recharge through direct seeded and transplanted rice fields...” Paddy and Water Environment. [DOI]
Honors and Awards
Whiting Water Resources Scholarship ($1,000), 2024
Irrigation E3 learner, 2024
Dr. S.D Khepar Gold Medal, 2021
Best M.Tech Thesis in Agricultural Engineering, 2022 (ISTE National Award)
Merit scholarships during Bachelor’s and Master’s studies
Technical Skills
Programming: Python (Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning), R
Tools: HYDRUS, ArcGIS, Google Earth Engine, CROPWAT, APSIM